How to find Most searched Question, word or Topic?
Do you want to know what people searched most around the world or specific countries?. You comes to the comes to correct place to know.
See the trending word or trending searches here. This always help to find what is trending around them.
This is the Google’s free tool where you can search whatever term you want to explore.
How to check what is searched Most in the past Year’s?
Click the menu button at the Top-left

Then Go to Year in a Search

Where you redirect to the new page and you can select the year from the drop down at the top right.

Scroll down to see what is trended on that year based on each vertical. Also there is option to change the location/country. See the example below

Want to search what topic is trending real time?
Just go to “Trending searches” under the top menu

This will show the trending searches with the related article. See the example below,

Hope this helps.
Thanks you!!!!
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